الثلاثاء، 26 فبراير 2013

نظرية 21 غرام كوزن لروح الإنسان، ما قول العقل الإلحادي فيها ؟

Photo: ‎نظرية 21 غرام كوزن لروح الإنسان، ما قول العقل الإلحادي فيها ؟       صفعة قديمة كتمها الإلحاد في قلبه وتجاهلها ولم يعرج عليها، تلك التي من صنيع الطبيب الأمريكي دونكان ماكدوغال بتعاون مع عدد من الفيزيائيين وجهها للإلحاد بتاريخ 11 مارس سنة 1907 م ، حينما نشرت صحيفة التايمز تقريرا عنها ، وتبعتها الجريدة الطبية في شهر أبريل من نفس السنة المسماة "American Medicine " وتجدون المقال العلمي بتحرير الطبيب الأمريكي هنا :      http://www.ghostweb.com/soul.html      فحوى النظرية أن الطبيب أجرى تجربة علمية على ستة أشخاص على فراش الموت، حيث قام برصد أوزانهم إلى ما بعد الممات، فوجد أنه بمجرد الموت يخف وزن الجثة بغرامات قليلة وأن الوزن يتغير بشكل غير مفهوم ولا تفسير بيولوجي له وهو كالتالي :      - الرجل الأول : فقدان فجائي للوزن متطابق مع لحظة الوفاة قدر بـ 21 غراما و26 .      يقول الطبيب معلقا على الحالة :      My first subject was a man dying of tuberculosis. It seemed to me best to select a patient dying with a disease that produces great exhaustion, the death occurring with little or no muscular movement, because in such a case the beam could be kept more perfectly at balance and any loss occurring readily noted.      The patient was under observation for three hours and forty minutes before death, lying on a bed arranged on a light framework built upon very delicately balanced platform beam scales.      The patient's comfort was looked after in every way, although he was practically moribund when placed upon the bed. He lost weight slowly at the rate of one ounce per hour due to evaporation of moisture in respiration and evaporation of sweat.      During all three hours and forty minutes I kept the beam end slightly above balance near the upper limiting bar in order to make the test more decisive if it should come.      At the end of three hours and forty minutes he expired and suddenly coincident with death the beam end dropped with an audible stroke hitting against the lower limiting bar and remaining there with no rebound. The loss was ascertained to be three-fourths of an ounce.      This loss of weight could not be due to evaporation of respiratory moisture and sweat, because that had already been determined to go on, in his case, at the rate of one sixtieth of an ounce per minute, whereas this loss was sudden and large, three-fourths of an ounce in a few seconds.      The bowels did not move; if they had moved the weight would still have remained upon the bed except for a slow loss by the evaporation of moisture depending, of course, upon the fluidity of the feces. The bladder evacuated one or two drams of urine. This remained upon the bed and could only have influenced the weight by slow gradual evaporation and therefore in no way could account for the sudden loss.      There remained but one more channel of loss to explore, the expiration of all but the residual air in the lungs. Getting upon the bed myself, my colleague put the beam at actual balance. Inspiration and expiration of air as forcibly as possible by me had no effect upon the beam. My colleague got upon the bed and I placed the beam at balance. Forcible inspiration and expiration of air on his part had no effect. In this case we certainly have an inexplicable loss of weight of three-fourths of an ounce. Is it the soul substance? How other shall we explain it?       - الرجل الثاني : فقدان تدريجي للوزن بلغ أول الأمر 45,76 - خمسة وأربعون غراما - وما لبث أن تراجع ليقف عند 21,26 غراما - واحد وعشرون - . - لم تحدد لحظة الوفاة -      يقول الطبيب الأمريكي معلقا :      My second patient was a man moribund from tuberculosis. He was on the bed about four hours and fifteen minutes under observation before death. The first four hours he lost weight at the rate of three-fourths of an ounce per hour. He had much slower respiration than the first case, which accounted for the difference in loss of weight from evaporation of perspiration and respiratory moisture.      The last fifteen minutes he had ceased to breathe but his facial muscles still moved convulsively, and then, coinciding with the last movement of the facial muscles, the beam dropped. The weight lost was found to be half an ounce. Then my colleague auscultated the heart and and found it stopped. I tried again and the loss was one ounce and a half and fifty grains. In the eighteen minutes that lapsed between the time he ceased breathing until we were certain of death, there was a weight loss of one and a half ounces and fifty grains compared with a loss of three ounces during a period of four hours, during which time the ordinary channels of loss were at work. No bowel movement took place. The bladder moved but the urine remained upon the bed and could not have evaporated enough through the thick bed clothing to have influenced the result.      The beam at the end of eighteen minutes of doubt was placed again with the end in slight contact with the upper bar and watched for forty minutes but no further loss took place.      My scales were sensitive to two-tenths of an ounce. If placed at balance one-tenth of an ounce would lift the beam up close to the upper limiting bar, another one-tenth ounce would bring it up and keep it in direct contact, then if the two-tenths were removed the beam would drop to the lower bar and then slowly oscillate till balance was reached again.      This patient was of a totally different temperament from the first, his death was very gradual, so that we had great doubts from the ordinary evidence to say just what moment he died.       - الرجل الثالث : فقدان للوزن في لحظة الوفاة 42,52 غرام، ثم 28,35 بعد دقائق من الوفاة .      يقول ماكدوغل :      My third case, a man dying of tuberculosis, showed a weight of half and ounce lost, coincident with death, and an additional loss of one ounce a few minutes later.       - المرأة رقم 4 : تم مقاطعة التجربة من طرف معارضين لها - غالبا أهل الفقيدة - .       In the fourth case, a woman dying of diabetic coma, unfortunately our scales were not finely adjusted and there was a good deal of interference by people opposed to our work, and although at death the beam sunk so that it required from three-eighths to one-half ounce to bring it back to the point preceding death, yet I regard this test as of no value.       - الرجل 5 : تسجيل فقدان مفاجئ للوزن لحظة الوفاة بلغ 10,63 غراما .       My fifth case, a man dying of tuberculosis, showed a distinct drop in the beam requiring about three-eighths of an ounce which could not be accounted for. This occurred exactly simultaneously with death but peculiarly on bringing the beam up again with weights and later removing them, the beam did not sink back to stay for fully fifteen minutes. It was impossible to account for the three-eighths of an ounce drop, it was so sudden and distinct, the beam hitting the lower bar with as great a noise as in the first case. Our scales in the case were very sensitively balanced.       - الرجل 6 : تم إقصاؤه لفشل في التجربة .      My sixth and last case was not a fair test. The patient died almost within five minutes after being placed upon the bed and died while I was adjusting the beam      ثم بعد ذلك قام الطبيب بعمل نفس التجربة على 15 كلبا، لم يسجل أي تناقص في الوزن لحظة الوفاة ، يقول :      The same experiments were carried out on fifteen dogs, surrounded by every precaution to obtain accuracy and the results were uniformly negative, no loss of weight at death.      A loss of weight takes places about 20 to 30 minutes after death which is due to the evaporation of the urine normally passed, and which is duplicated by evaporation of the same amount of water on the scales, every other condition being the same, e.g., temperature of the room, except the presence of the dog's body.      ولم يتم تفسير هذا التناقص المفاجئ المتبوع للحظة الوفاة إلى يومنا هذا حسب علمي .. فما قول أهل الإلحاد في هذه اللطمة ؟‎

نظرية 21 غرام كوزن لروح الإنسان، ما قول العقل الإلحادي فيها ؟

صفعة قديمة كتمها الإلحاد في قلبه وتجاهلها ولم يعرج عليها، تلك التي من صنيع الطبيب الأمريكي دونكان ماكدوغال بتعاون مع عدد من الفيزيائيين وجهها للإلحاد بتاريخ 11 مارس سنة 1907 م ، حينما نشرت صحيفة التايمز تقريرا عنها ، وتبعتها الجريدة الطبية في شهر أبريل من نفس السنة المسماة "American Medicine " وتجدون المقال العلمي بتحرير الطبيب الأمريكي هنا :


فحوى النظرية أن الطبيب أجرى تجربة علمية على ستة أشخاص على فراش الموت، حيث قام برصد أوزانهم إلى ما بعد الممات، فوجد أنه بمجرد الموت يخف وزن الجثة بغرامات قليلة وأن الوزن يتغير بشكل غير مفهوم ولا تفسير بيولوجي له وهو كالتالي :

- الرجل الأول : فقدان فجائي للوزن متطابق مع لحظة الوفاة قدر بـ 21 غراما و26 .

يقول الطبيب معلقا على الحالة :

My first subject was a man dying of tuberculosis. It seemed to me best to select a patient dying with a disease that produces great exhaustion, the death occurring with little or no muscular movement, because in such a case the beam could be kept more perfectly at balance and any loss occurring readily noted.

The patient was under observation for three hours and forty minutes before death, lying on a bed arranged on a light framework built upon very delicately balanced platform beam scales.

The patient's comfort was looked after in every way, although he was practically moribund when placed upon the bed. He lost weight slowly at the rate of one ounce per hour due to evaporation of moisture in respiration and evaporation of sweat.

During all three hours and forty minutes I kept the beam end slightly above balance near the upper limiting bar in order to make the test more decisive if it should come.

At the end of three hours and forty minutes he expired and suddenly coincident with death the beam end dropped with an audible stroke hitting against the lower limiting bar and remaining there with no rebound. The loss was ascertained to be three-fourths of an ounce.

This loss of weight could not be due to evaporation of respiratory moisture and sweat, because that had already been determined to go on, in his case, at the rate of one sixtieth of an ounce per minute, whereas this loss was sudden and large, three-fourths of an ounce in a few seconds.

The bowels did not move; if they had moved the weight would still have remained upon the bed except for a slow loss by the evaporation of moisture depending, of course, upon the fluidity of the feces. The bladder evacuated one or two drams of urine. This remained upon the bed and could only have influenced the weight by slow gradual evaporation and therefore in no way could account for the sudden loss.

There remained but one more channel of loss to explore, the expiration of all but the residual air in the lungs. Getting upon the bed myself, my colleague put the beam at actual balance. Inspiration and expiration of air as forcibly as possible by me had no effect upon the beam. My colleague got upon the bed and I placed the beam at balance. Forcible inspiration and expiration of air on his part had no effect. In this case we certainly have an inexplicable loss of weight of three-fourths of an ounce. Is it the soul substance? How other shall we explain it?

- الرجل الثاني : فقدان تدريجي للوزن بلغ أول الأمر 45,76 - خمسة وأربعون غراما - وما لبث أن تراجع ليقف عند 21,26 غراما - واحد وعشرون - . - لم تحدد لحظة الوفاة -

يقول الطبيب الأمريكي معلقا :

My second patient was a man moribund from tuberculosis. He was on the bed about four hours and fifteen minutes under observation before death. The first four hours he lost weight at the rate of three-fourths of an ounce per hour. He had much slower respiration than the first case, which accounted for the difference in loss of weight from evaporation of perspiration and respiratory moisture.

The last fifteen minutes he had ceased to breathe but his facial muscles still moved convulsively, and then, coinciding with the last movement of the facial muscles, the beam dropped. The weight lost was found to be half an ounce. Then my colleague auscultated the heart and and found it stopped. I tried again and the loss was one ounce and a half and fifty grains. In the eighteen minutes that lapsed between the time he ceased breathing until we were certain of death, there was a weight loss of one and a half ounces and fifty grains compared with a loss of three ounces during a period of four hours, during which time the ordinary channels of loss were at work. No bowel movement took place. The bladder moved but the urine remained upon the bed and could not have evaporated enough through the thick bed clothing to have influenced the result.

The beam at the end of eighteen minutes of doubt was placed again with the end in slight contact with the upper bar and watched for forty minutes but no further loss took place.

My scales were sensitive to two-tenths of an ounce. If placed at balance one-tenth of an ounce would lift the beam up close to the upper limiting bar, another one-tenth ounce would bring it up and keep it in direct contact, then if the two-tenths were removed the beam would drop to the lower bar and then slowly oscillate till balance was reached again.

This patient was of a totally different temperament from the first, his death was very gradual, so that we had great doubts from the ordinary evidence to say just what moment he died.

- الرجل الثالث : فقدان للوزن في لحظة الوفاة 42,52 غرام، ثم 28,35 بعد دقائق من الوفاة .

يقول ماكدوغل :

My third case, a man dying of tuberculosis, showed a weight of half and ounce lost, coincident with death, and an additional loss of one ounce a few minutes later.

- المرأة رقم 4 : تم مقاطعة التجربة من طرف معارضين لها - غالبا أهل الفقيدة - .

In the fourth case, a woman dying of diabetic coma, unfortunately our scales were not finely adjusted and there was a good deal of interference by people opposed to our work, and although at death the beam sunk so that it required from three-eighths to one-half ounce to bring it back to the point preceding death, yet I regard this test as of no value.

- الرجل 5 : تسجيل فقدان مفاجئ للوزن لحظة الوفاة بلغ 10,63 غراما .

My fifth case, a man dying of tuberculosis, showed a distinct drop in the beam requiring about three-eighths of an ounce which could not be accounted for. This occurred exactly simultaneously with death but peculiarly on bringing the beam up again with weights and later removing them, the beam did not sink back to stay for fully fifteen minutes. It was impossible to account for the three-eighths of an ounce drop, it was so sudden and distinct, the beam hitting the lower bar with as great a noise as in the first case. Our scales in the case were very sensitively balanced.

- الرجل 6 : تم إقصاؤه لفشل في التجربة .

My sixth and last case was not a fair test. The patient died almost within five minutes after being placed upon the bed and died while I was adjusting the beam

ثم بعد ذلك قام الطبيب بعمل نفس التجربة على 15 كلبا، لم يسجل أي تناقص في الوزن لحظة الوفاة ، يقول :

The same experiments were carried out on fifteen dogs, surrounded by every precaution to obtain accuracy and the results were uniformly negative, no loss of weight at death.

A loss of weight takes places about 20 to 30 minutes after death which is due to the evaporation of the urine normally passed, and which is duplicated by evaporation of the same amount of water on the scales, every other condition being the same, e.g., temperature of the room, except the presence of the dog's body.

ولم يتم تفسير هذا التناقص المفاجئ المتبوع للحظة الوفاة إلى يومنا هذا حسب علمي .. فما قول أهل الإلحاد في هذه اللطمة ؟

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